Spacers, Washers and Standoffs

In this page, we'll be going over how to place iParts.

It's good practice when building a drive to put standoffs between the inner and outer channel. This makes sure that both channels stay parallel to each other, even through defense. The spacing is a 2" standoff, a 0.375" spacer, and two metal washers (0.0625"). All of these parts are special because they are iParts and get placed slightly differently.

Placing iParts


We need to place the spacers, we can find those in Motion/Spacers/Spacer (Nylon), .500 OD.ipt.

After placing the spacer, the iPart window pops up. We can now select the length of spacer that we want to use, then left click the part into the workspace as normal. Be sure to select 0.375".


We need to place the spacers, we can find those in Motion/Spacers/Washer (Steel).ipt. Washers are also iParts, and we get the same selection window when placing them. Be sure to select 1/32".


We need to place the standoff, we can find them in Structure/Standoff.ipt. Spacers are also iParts, and we get the same selection window when placing them. Be sure to select 2".

Combining Spacers, Washers and Standoffs

These are constrained the same way the wheels and sprockets were, with one insert constraint but with 0 offset because we want everything to sit together.

Start by constraining the washers to each other.

Then the spacers to washer stack.

Then the spacer to the standoff.

Mounting to the Drive

And finally to constrain that entire assembly to the inner drive channel with an insert constraint.

After adding the second one, the drive should look like this.

Remember to save!

Contributors to this Article:

  • Jess - EZ

Last updated


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